Allow Us to Craft a Benefit Plan that Let's You

Heal More...
Prescribe Less...
and SAVE

(Lives and Dollars)

Allow Us to Craft a Benefit Plan that Let's You

Heal More...Prescribe Less...and SAVE
(Lives and Dollars)

Checkmate Benefits helps businesses invest in the health and well-being of their employees while saving money with cash-based and self-funded solutions that eliminate hidden costs. We partner with providers who focus on healing over prescribing, ensuring your employees receive care that addresses root causes, not just treating symptoms.
With a mission to
heal more, and prescribe less, saving lives and dollars, we help create a healthier, more productive workforce.

This Country Has a Problem...

The “Medical Industrial Complex,” comprised of both healthcare providers and traditional insurance carriers, facilitates a profoundly broken health care system that

  • puts profits over patients

  • over-prescribes expensive drugs to treat symptoms rather than healing disease

  • Ignores nutrition and wellness approaches (giving it mere lip service), which are far more effective and less costly

  • perpetuates a lack of transparency in costs and billing. 

This leads to needlessly expensive health care and unchecked quality, and patients and employers stuck with the bill.

This Country Has a Problem...

The “Medical Industrial Complex,” comprised of both healthcare providers and traditional insurance carriers, facilitates a profoundly broken health care system that

  • puts profits over patients
  • over-prescribes expensive drugs to treat symptoms rather than healing disease
  • Ignores nutrition and wellness approaches (giving it mere lip service), which are far more effective and less costly
  • perpetuates a lack of transparency in costs and billing. 

This leads to needlessly expensive health care and unchecked quality.

And People Are NOT Getting Better... including Your Employees.

On average, employees with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity contribute to lost productivity through absenteeism (missing work) and presenteeism (being less effective while at work).

Studies estimate that these factors can lead to a 20-40% reduction in overall productivity, translating to thousands of dollars per employee annually.

Small businesses, with fewer resources to absorb these costs, can be particularly impacted.

And People Are NOT Getting Better... including Your Employees.

On average, employees with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity contribute to lost productivity through absenteeism (missing work) and presenteeism (being less effective while at work).

Studies estimate that these factors can lead to a 20-40% reduction in overall productivity, translating to thousands of dollars per employee annually.

While Employers Get the Bill.

Because of these high costs, health benefits have become a top-three line item expense on the ledger of almost every employer, and each year the expenses (and premiums) go up, while benefits for the employees go down.

Many feel out of control, which leads to anger and frustration. It also creates a sense of hopelessness, and due to their own lack of knowledge, they see no light a the end of the tunnel.

It’s unfair that companies must choose between financial health and employee well-being because of a broken healthcare system.

While Employers Get the Bill.

Because of these high costs, health benefits have become a top-three line item expense on the ledger of almost every employer, and each year the expenses (and premiums) go up, while benefits for the employees go down.

Many feel out of control, which leads to anger and frustration. It also creates a sense of hopelessness, and due to their own lack of knowledge, they see no light a the end of the tunnel.

It’s unfair that companies must choose between financial health and employee well-being because of a broken healthcare system.

Good News! There IS a Solution.

At Checkmate Benefits, we offer more than just a healthcare plan—we provide a holistic, cost-effective solution that delivers true value to your business and employees by integrating:


Self-Funded Plans

Gain full transparency and control over healthcare costs by directly funding employee claims, eliminating inflated premiums, and keeping any savings that arise from lower-than-expected claims.


Direct Primary Care (DPC)

Provide employees with unlimited access to personalized, preventive care that addresses health issues early, leading to better outcomes and reduced long-term healthcare costs.


Cash-Based Models

Save significantly by paying for healthcare services upfront at lower, transparent rates, avoiding the hidden fees and inflated costs of traditional insurance billing systems.

We've Walked in Your Shoes...

My name is Tom Paplaczyk. With more than 25 years’ experience, my team has weathered the storms: the disruptions, the changes, and the injustices. As an employer, we have experienced it ourselves, and know the feeling.

At Checkmate Benefits, we build self-funded plans integrated with Direct Primary Care (DPC) and cash-based payment models that prioritize healing over symptom management. This approach gives your employees unlimited access to preventive care, while eliminating hidden costs and unnecessary medications. With our focus on cash-based pricing, you’ll save money by paying for care directly at lower rates, ensuring transparency. Our tailored plans empower businesses to heal more, prescribe less, and SAVE—both lives and dollars. Let’s craft a benefit plan that works for you.

It's Up to You...

  • If you want to experience the relief and confidence of providing the best coverage possible.
  • If you want your employees to be amazed at the level of benefits you provide, leading to smarter decisions, lower stress, and more productivity in their work.
  • If you want to finally see a return on your healthcare dollars.